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Keybinding move word in JRuby irb on OSX

Similar to this question, except in JRuby (it works in MRI Ruby). Alt-left prints a "b" in my console. Very annoying!

To clarify, I ve setup my terminal as described in this article, mapping option-left to escape-b.


Move word left is ctrl-g, don t know what move word right is though. And I would like to use alt-left / alt-right.

what do these ruby warnings mean?

cqq.rb:96 **warning: Statement not reached.** /root/newpackage/lib.rb:727 **warning: instance variable @object not initialized** Error: Your application used more memory than the safety cap of 500m. ...

How to register a JDBC driver using jruby-complete.jar?

I m trying to write a script that is executed with the jruby-complete.jar like so: java -cp derby.jar; -Djdbc.drivers=org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver -jar jruby-complete.jar -S my_script.rb I m ...

How do I unmarshal a ruby object in java?

I have a an object that I d like to grab the contents of in java. The only problem is that is is currently in ruby. irb(main):050:0> blah => "...

What s the difference between Ruby and JRuby? [closed]

Can anyone please provide me in layman s terms the difference between developing a JRuby and a Ruby, Rails application? I use NetBeans as my Ruby on Rails IDE and every-time I create a project is ...

Ruby parser in Java

The project I m doing is written in Java and parsers source code files. (Java src up to now). Now I d like to enable parsing Ruby code as well. Therefore I am looking for a parser in Java that parses ...
