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Using webcam to track hand gestures

I wanted to develop a program which uses the webcam to track four colours and which are going to be on my index finger and thumb of both my hands and according to the gestures of my hand the computer will interpret these gestures and carry out a command. For example if I have a website open, all I have to do is pinch with my fingers and the webpage will zoom. I wanted the advice of the stackoverflow community as to where to start and whether anyone has any advice for me. Thanks in advance.


You could look at Johnny Chung Lee s work with the Wii Remote:


You could base your code off the Wiimote library:


Another angle might be the Aforge Library:


Code: http://code.google.com/p/aforge/

Something really similar already exists:


You will certainly want to use OpenCV in one form or another.

Take a look at OpenCV, search OpenCV Gesture recognition

I think, by using the motion tracking in openCV examples, it is possible to achieve similar effects as the minority cube demonstrated.

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