I am working with will_paginate to create a sortable and searchable table. I have got everything to work correctly with the exception of the search box (filter). Right now when I select a different query (other than "title") and search for something, it only searches for title querys. Can anyone help point out where I am going wrong?
Thank you!
index controller:
filter = case params[ sform ]
when "filter=Title" then "title"
when "filter=Size" then "size"
when "filter=Film Type" then "film_type"
when "filter=Premiere" then "premiere"
when "filter=Preferred Date" then "preferred_date"
when "filter=Actual Date" then "actual_date"
sort = case params[ sort ]
when "title" then "title"
when "premiere" then "premiere"
when "film_type" then "film_type"
when "preferred_date" then "preferred_date"
when "actual_date" then "actual_date"
when "created_at" then "created_at"
when "updated_at" then "updated_at"
when "size" then "size"
when "title_reverse" then "title DESC"
when "premiere_reverse" then "premiere DESC"
when "film_type_reverse" then "film_type DESC"
when "preferred_date_reverse" then "preferred_date DESC"
when "actual_date_reverse" then "actual_date DESC"
when "created_at_reverse" then "created_at DESC"
when "updated_at_reverse" then "updated_at DESC"
when "size_reverse" then "size DESC"
conditions = ["title LIKE ?", "%#{params[:query]}%"] unless params[:query].nil?
@total = Video.count(:conditions => conditions)
@videos = Video.paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page => 100, :order => sort, :conditions => conditions
if request.xml_http_request?
render :partial => "video_list", :layout => false
Index view:
<form name="sform" action="" style="display:inline;">
<label for="item_name">Search by <%= select_tag "filter", "<option>Title</option>,<option>Size</option>,<option>Film Type</option>,<option>Premiere</option>,<option>Preferred Date</option>,<option>Actual Date</option>" %>: </label>
<%= text_field_tag(:query, params[ query ], :size => 10, :id => query ) %>
<%= image_tag("spinner.gif",
:align => "absmiddle",
:border => 0,
:id => "spinner",
:style =>"display: none;" ) %>
<%= observe_form sform , :frequency => 1,
:update => table ,
:before => "$( #spinner ).show()",
:success => "$( #spinner ).hide()",
:url => {:action => list },
:with => sform %>
<div id="table">
<%= render :partial => "video_list" %>
Still cannot figure out how to make it search by the filter type. Any more suggestions?