我不确定我是否理解你问题的所有细微之处,特别是关于使用SQLite vs PostgreSQL的评论。如果这将是一个多个DBMS系统,那么使用多个系统进行测试是好的;如果这将是单个DBMS系统,则与多个DBMS一起工作将使生活变得毫无意义。
当你谈论一个简单的包装器时,你并不是在谈论我所谓的简单。它必须解析任意的 SQL,确定其中是否有任何特定于 DBMS 的内容,然后应用重写规则。这是一项非常困难的任务。将包装器调用在正确的位置可能也很困难,这取决于你使用的用于访问 DBMS 的 API 集,以及其他一些因素。
- Use the same DBMS in both production and development?
- Tracking just schema changes is non-trivial. You need to track the essence of the schema (such as table name, column names, etc) and not the accidence (yeah, I was rereading Brooks "No Silver Bullet" earlier) such as the TabID (which might vary without the schema being materially different). However, an analysis would tell you whether the schema is different.
- Tracking the data changes, independent of schema changes, is also non-trivial. In general, the volume of such data is large. You may be able to deal with a full archive or a full unload or export of the database - but ensuring that the data is presented in the same sequence each time may require some care on your part. If you don t ensure the correct sequencing, the VCS will be recording huge changes due to ordering differences.
- Your DBMS
- Your database size
- The volatility of your schema
- The volatility of your data