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Interactive Design-Time User Control

I apologise if the title was confusing, it took me nearly 5 minutes to finally think of a title for this one...

Okay, you know how in Visual Studio Express when you add a TabControl to the Form, and you can click on the right-arrow on the top right of the TabControl and it will add a new TabPage, or remove one?

Well, I m creating a User Control where I need people to be able to switch between Panels (my user control is made up of several Panels). I know this is possible as I ve used a Ribbon Control in the past and you could add new buttons etc in the Designer View.

Can somebody please provide any suggestions/advice on how I might go about acheiving this?

Thank you


When you make a control that is inherited from Control, you have to make use of a couple of properties such as IsDesignMode, you can then construct event handlers especially for within Design Mode:

if (IsDesignMode){
   // Handle the interactivity in Design mode, such as changing a property on the
   // Properties toolbox

Suppose the control has an event such as MouseClick, you can do this:

private void control_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e){
   if (IsDesignMode){
       // Do something here depending on the Click event within the Designer
       // This is at run-time...

Another I can think of is ShouldSerialize followed by a publicly accessible property in order to persist the property to the designer-generated code, suppose for example a Control has a boolean property Foo

public bool Foo{
    get{ return this._foo; }
    set{ if (this._foo != value){ 
                this._foo = value; 

public bool ShouldSerializeFoo(){
    return true; // The property will be persisted in the designer-generated code
                 // Check in Form.Designer.cs...

If ShouldSerializeFoo returned false, no property is persisted, its the opposite when true, it will be buried within the Form.Designer.cs code...

Hope this helps, Best regards, Tom.


If I understand your question correctly, you re talking about smart tags.

The process is a little bit involved, so I m not going to try to post a complete sample. Instead, I ll refer you to this tutorial on the subject. To make a long story short, you have to create a custom designer, and register one or more custom actions. You can use this to create a combo box listing the available panels and switch between them when the selected item is changed.

(Note - the term "smart tags" has two distinct meanings in Visual Studio - I m specifically talking about the visual designer smart tags, not smart tags in the code editor).

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