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这个 C++ 程序能把 PDP-11 的浮点数转换成 IEEE 标准吗?
原标题:Will this C++ convert PDP-11 floats to IEEE?



// ---------------------------------------------------------------- cnvPDPfloat
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Converts PDP11 float (two 16-bit words) into IEEE float
//  PDP11 and IEEE floats have same layout so can be mapped onto eachother.
//  But PDP11 exponent must have 2 subtracted for IEEE. Or just divide by 4.
float cnvPDPfloat( PDP11Float input )
  unsigned long pdp11;
  float   ieee;
 } uFloat;

 uFloat.pdp11 = (input.word[0] << 16) + input.word[1];

 return (uFloat.ieee / (float) 4.0);



The code doesn t check for undefined value, clean-zero and dirty-zero, but dividing by 4, discussed in other answers, is good. The OP probably knows it because they would spot if the result was always wrong. The exponent bias also confused me today, so I ll quote what I ve just read in this fine document: Binary floats with hidden bit:

At first the hidden bit is given another position. IEEE assumes this bit before the fractional period and Digital assumes it immediately after that period. According to IEEE the visible part of the mantissa ( visman ) starts immediately after the period, whilst according to Digital it starts behind the hidden bit. Thus the value range of the total mantissa is:

IEEE:      1.0 =<  (1.visman)  < 2.0
Digital:   0.5 =< (0.1 visman) < 1.0

第二,在标注时的过分偏差各不相同。 [......]

Both effects together make that the bit pattern in an IEEE- float represents a number four times in size of the value the same bit pattern in a Digital-float stands for.





uFloat.pdp11 = (input.word[0] << 16) + input.word[1];


本文详细介绍了许多不同浮点格式的表示方式。 http://www.quadibloc.com/comp/cp0201.htm

它说PDP-11 / VAX使用超过128的符号表示指数,而IEEE 754使用超过126的符号表示,因此如果正确的话,除以4似乎是调整指数的正确方式。

然而,维基百科称IEEE 754的指数偏差为127,而不是126。因此,以上文件使用了奇怪的符号,或者是不正确的。你可能需要除以2而不是4。

除了NaN和Inf之外,您可能还会遇到转换微小值的问题。我不知道PDP-11是否支持这些功能,但IEEE 754规定,当指数字段为0时,数字为微小值,这实际上意味着尾数字段中隐含的前导1变为0。这样,当数字减少时,就会逐渐收敛于0。

约翰-IEEE 754标准规定指数偏差为127,而不是126。维基是正确的,其他参考是错误的。因此,比率为2.0。

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