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原标题:How can I verify that all select boxes have a selected option through JavaScript or JQuery or...?



    <label for="fizzwizzle">Select a Fizzwizzle</label>
    <select name="fizzwizzle" id="fizzwizzle" size="10">
    <label for="fizzbaggot">Select a Fizzbaggot</label>
    <select name="fizzbaggot" id="fizzbaggot" size="10">

我想确认这两个选择框都有选定的选项。我的初步想法是简单地使用 JQuery,但我似乎无法弄清楚如何做到这一点。到目前为止,我的尝试都是徒劳的,但我有以下代码,我认为应该能够解决问题。

function verify_selectboxen_selection() {
    var allSelected = true;

    $( select ).each(function() {
      /* if select box doesn t have a selected option */
            allSelected = false;

    if (!allSelected) {
        alert( You must select a Job and a Disposition File. );
    return allSelected;

种子足够简单。 想法?



if ($("select").length === $("option:selected").length) {
  // they match



所以:返回真; :-)


<select name="fizzbaggot">
    <option value="" selected="selected">(Select a fizzbaggot)</option>


$( select ).each(function() {
    if ($(this).val()!==  )
        allSelected= false;


$( select ).each(function() {
    if (this.selectedIndex===0)
        allSelected= false;


var unselected = [] 
$( select ).each(function(){
    if (0 == $(this).find( option:selected ).length) {

if (unselected.length != 0) {
    // unselected contains the ids of non-selected select boxes

或者,你可以用val()。 假设你有一个没有价值的缺省方案(即空洞价值)。

var unselected = [] 
$( select ).each(function(){
    if (   == $(this).val()) {

if (unselected.length != 0) {
    // unselected contains the ids of non-selected select boxes
 function checkSelects() {
        return $("select :selected").length == $("select").length;


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