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为什么在Eclipse RCP中必须两次定义依赖关系?
原标题:Why do you have to define dependencies twice in Eclipse RCP?

我有一个名为proj.a的Eclipse RCP插件项目。

我有另一个 Eclipse RCP 插件项目,proj.b,其中包含一个产品定义文件。该项目依赖于 proj.a 插件。



为什么会这样呢? Eclipse难道不能意识到该产品依赖于JUnit吗?或者这是Buckminster和Maven等工具的问题领域吗?


The product file lists the whole dependency graph. If you add a dependency to Junit in plugin.a it s like you say plugin.a cannot be run without JUnit. And the product file lists all plugins that are defined in other plugins as depenedencies. So I m wondering why you add Junit as a dependency for your plugin.a Best practise is to create a separate plugin with all your testcases that references to plugin.a and Junit. And this newly created plugin is not listed in your product file (wo wants to ship JUnit and Testcases with the final build?) In addition there is no need to add dependencies manually In your product-editor you have a button "Add required plugins" which does that job for you.



你不必手动添加依赖项; 有一个“添加所需的插件”按钮。

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