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原标题:what method does navigationcontroller fire

我有1名导航管理员和3名观点控制员。 VC1推动VC2和VC2使用Sus ModalViewController展示第3版VC。

  1. When VC2 uses presentModalViewController to show VC3, is the VC3 actually pushed on the navigationcontroller stack?
  2. viewdidload of VC3 is called only 1st time. My goal is to show VC3 with a new imageView everytime. Where do I add the code to do that? viewdidappear and viewwillappear of VC3 is not fired either
  1. 我了解到VC3将作为VC2的视图层次结构而不是导航控制器。要将其添加到导航控制器的视图层次结构中,您需要将VC3推到其中。

  2. viewDidLoad 应该只被调用一次,除非由于低内存而从内存中卸载了 Nib 文件本身。文档说明 viewWillAppear 和 viewDidAppear 应该在 VC3 上被调用,所以我不知道它们为什么没有被调用。



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