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Suggestions for SCORM player + API or Library in Java and player in Flash

I m hoping I can be guided in the right direction.

I have been asked to help with a web eTraining software. Basically videos, and questions alternating. A request has come up to be able to handle and play SCORM courses.

I have done some reading and gotten familiar with how it works, and discovered some wonderful and affordable SCORM course creation software.

The question I m stuck with is this: I need a Java (.NET is 2nd choice and okay too) library for SCORM integration that I can wrap a Flash based SCORM player around (which I also need to find)

Apologies in advance if I missed somewhere on here that already has it. I m looking for names, and hopefully some experiences/opinions/what to look out for in such a library/API.



Try open source project http://code.google.com/p/celine-scorm/ I have no experience with it, I just know it s actively developed.


Our company, Rustici Software, offers a product called the SCORM Engine that is exactly what you are looking for. It is a SCORM player that can easily be integrated into any system. The SCORM Engine is available in both Java and .Net. We also offer a hosted version called the SCORM Cloud that is even easier to integrate and get started with.

For the Flash side of things, you could check out:


for a complete tutorial and opensource code on integrating Scorm 1.2 and 2004 into your Flash player/engine.

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