English 中文(简体)
原标题:Best way to embed data fields in text?
  • 时间:2010-02-18 23:27:32
  •  标签:
  • text
  • field


For instance, I could do something like "Some instructions here, followed by @firstname:John @lastname:Smith ", and then write code to parse out the fields. Then I could begin to work out the problems, like embedded @-signs.





像是“你好 ${firstName},你今天怎么样?”,或者更简单地说“你好 {0},最近怎么样?”


正如Mike所说,它取决于环境。在.NET中,你有"Hello {0}",几种语言会使用"Hello %s",使用MooTools的JavaScript会使用"Hello {name}"等等。"{0}"和"%s"都取决于参数的顺序(这可能是一个缺点)。


// Variables should be an object at the current form:
// {name:  John , age: 13}
function substitute(string, variables)
    var result = string.replace(/\?{([^{}]+)}/g, function(match, name) {
        if(match.charAt(0) ==  \ ) return match.slice(1); //If there was a backslash before the first {, just return it as it was.
        return (variables[name] != undefined) ? variables[name] :   ;
    return result;



String text = "Hello %s, do you still live at %s?";
String[] replacements = {

String formatted = String.format(text, replacements);


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