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Running JUnit Tests on a Restlet Router

Using Restlet I have created a router for my Java application.

From using curl, I know that each of the different GET, POST & DELETE requests work for each of the URIs and return the correct JSON response.

I m wanting to set-up JUnit tests for each of the URI s to make the testing process easier. However, I m not to sure the best way to make the request to each of the URIs in order to get the JSON response which I can then compare to make sure the results are as expected. Any thoughts on how to do this?


You could just use a Restlet Client to make requests, then check each response and its representation.

For example:

Client client = new Client(Protocol.HTTP);
Request request = new Request(Method.GET, resourceRef);
Response response = client.handle(request);

assert response.getStatus().getCode() == 200;
assert response.isEntityAvailable();
assert response.getEntity().getMediaType().equals(MediaType.TEXT_HTML);

// Representation.getText() empties the InputStream, so we need to store the text in a variable
String text = response.getEntity().getText();
assert text.contains("search string");
assert text.contains("another search string");

I m actually not that familiar with JUnit, assert, or unit testing in general, so I apologize if there s something off with my example. Hopefully it still illustrates a possible approach to testing.

Good luck!


Unit testing a ServerResource

// Code under test
public class MyServerResource extends ServerResource {
  public String getResource() {
    // ......

// Test code
private SpringBeanRouter router;
private MyServerResource myServerResource;

String resourceUri = "/project/1234";
Request request = new Request(Method.GET, resourceUri);
Response response = new Response(request);
router.handle(request, response);
assertEquals(200, response.getStatus().getCode());
assertEquals(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, response.getEntity().getMediaType());
String responseString = response.getEntityAsText();

where the router and the resource are @Autowired in my test class. The relevant declarations in the Spring application context looks like

<bean name="router" class="org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringBeanRouter" />
<bean id="myApplication" class="com.example.MyApplication">
  <property name="root" ref="router" />
<bean name="/project/{project_id}" 
      class="com.example.MyServerResource" scope="prototype" autowire="byName" />

And the myApplication is similar to

public class MyApplication extends Application {

I got the answer for challenge response settings in REST junit test case

public void test() {
    String url ="http://localhost:8190/project/user/status";
    Client client = new Client(Protocol.HTTP);
    ChallengeResponse challengeResponse = new ChallengeResponse(ChallengeScheme.HTTP_BASIC,"user", "f399b0a660f684b2c5a6b4c054f22d89");
    Request request = new Request(Method.GET, url);
    Response response = client.handle(request);
    System.out.println("request test::"+response.getEntityAsText());

Based on the answer of Avi Flax i rewrite this code to java and run it with junitparams, a library that allows pass parametrized tests. The code looks like:

public class RestServicesAreUpTest {

        "http://url:port/path/api/rest/1, 200, true",
        "http://url:port/path/api/rest/2, 200, true", })
    public void restServicesAreUp(String uri, int responseCode,
        boolean responseAvaliable) {
    Client client = new Client(Protocol.HTTP);
    Request request = new Request(Method.GET, uri);
    Response response = client.handle(request);

    assertEquals(responseCode, response.getStatus().getCode());
    assertEquals(responseAvaliable, response.isEntityAvailable());
    assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, response.getEntity()


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