I ve written an image slideshow in jQuery that speeds up/down based on where the mouse is hovering over the images.
I d like to have the images repeat as the slideshow ends. So the user scrolls through the slideshow, it reaches the end of the image LI s and then seamlessly repeats from the start.
Here s the current code:
$( #products ul ).css( width , ($( #products ul li ).length * 185));
var $products = $( #products div );
var posLeft = 0;
// Add 5 DIV overlays to use as hover buttons for the slideshow speed
for (i = 0; i <= 4; i++)
$( #products ).append( <div class="hover- + i + " style="background: transparent; width: 100px; height: 167px; position: absolute; left: + posLeft + px; top: 15px;"></div> );
posLeft += 100;
// Function animate the scrolling DIV in the appropriate direction with the set speed
function plz2scroll(direction, scrollSpeed)
var scrollDir = (direction == left ) ? -= : += ;
var scrollOffset = (direction == right ) ? -10 : + + $products.css( width ).substring(0, -2) + 10; // Fix the +100px10 issue - Seems substring don t support negative offsets
$products.animate({scrollLeft: scrollDir + $products.css( width )}, scrollSpeed, linear , function()
plz2scroll(direction, scrollSpeed);
// Create the hover buttons
$( div.hover-0 ).hover(function() { $products.stop(); plz2scroll( right , 2000); });
$( div.hover-1 ).hover(function() { $products.stop(); plz2scroll( right , 3500); });
$( div.hover-2 ).hover(function() { $products.stop(); });
$( div.hover-3 ).hover(function() { $products.stop(); plz2scroll( left , 3500); });
$( div.hover-4 ).hover(function() { $products.stop(); plz2scroll( left , 2000); });
<div id="products">
<li><img src="images/1.jpg" /></li>
<li><img src="images/2.jpg" /></li>
<li><img src="images/3.jpg" /></li>
<li><img src="images/4.jpg" /></li>
<li><img src="images/5.jpg" /></li>
The scroller works and the speed/direction works nicely with the overlayed DIV buttons. My animate() callback to repeat is slow, buggy and just bad :/
My overuse of .stop() also looks like a potential problem >.<
Any ideas?