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SQL2008: Is there a way to throttle Change Data Capture (CDC) throughput?

I m trying to find a way to throttle CDC on SQL2008.

The reason being that under normal circumstances, CDC performs brilliantly, but as soon as it needs to deal with a large number of rows, it starts tanking.

Typical throughput is between 1000 and 3000 rows a second. It starts to die at about 5000 rows per second.

Usually, this is not an issue, since we re using CDC to keep two databases in sync as a near real-time ETL process for statistical modelling. In the past, for bulk data moves we ve had to come up with dodgy manual methods. I m wondering if I can through a huge amount of data at it, but find a way to tell it to only do 5 transactions at a time, or otherwise force it to work through bite-sized chunks (however long that takes), rather than try and do them all at once and suffer poorly.


Please see: Tuning the Performance of Change Data Capture in SQL Server 2008

Are you sure that CDC is the right solution for what you are trying to achieve? I m just wondering if SQL Server Change Tracking using ADO.NET Sync services might be more appropriate?

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