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原标题:Pipe Java to Grep: Why not working?


java -cp nasa-top-secret.jar gov.nasa.RocketToMoon | grep -v codehaus

但是 grep 不起作用(它无法过滤出我的字符串)。我该如何使用 grep 过滤我的 java 输出?


输出可能在 STDERR 上,请尝试这个:

java -cp nasa-top-secret.jar gov.nasa.RocketToMoon 2>&1 | grep -v codehaus


  1. you actually have all the lines with "codehaus", so grep -v gives you nothing. I assume you know what -v stands for.
  2. your java program did not print anything to stdout. check your source and make sure your program spits out to stdout. Otherwise, check if its stderr that your program is spitting out.


  1. remove the pipe to grep, run only the java program and make sure your program has output.
  2. put 2>&1 at the end of the command and try again with grep

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