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Java JMenu setAccelerator() problem

When I set setAccelerator() to Control + A or Control + P and I run the program it doesn t detect the keystroke.

Here s the code:

  menuItem = new JMenuItem("About");
  menuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_A, Event.CTRL_MASK));

Then when it s pressed it should invoke the Action Listener:

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

  if(e.getActionCommand().equals("About")) {



I m running it in Eclipse on a Mac if that matters.


Control-A and Control-P are both keystrokes that may already be intercepted, depending on your platform and depending on what has keyboard focus. Control-A may already be intercepted and interpreted as "select all", and Control-P may already be intercepted and interpreted as "paste".

What if you select a less commonly-used keystroke instead of "Control-A", such as "Control-Shift-A" or "Control-B"? Here s a modified version of your code that uses Control-Shift-A instead of Control-A:

menuItem = new JMenuItem("About");
menuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_A, Event.CTRL_MASK | Event.SHIFT_MASK));

I tested this change on my own system using the JMenu demo from the Swing tutorial, and I found (exactly as you did) that registering Control-A as the accelerator had no effect. However, registering Control-Shift-A as the accelerator worked perfectly.

not sure if it will help, but you re using Event.CTRL_MASK instead of KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK

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