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Robot Simulation in Java

I am doing a project concerning robot simulation and i need help. I have to simulate the activities of a robot in a warehouse. I am using mindstorm robots and lego s for the warehouse. The point here is i have to simulate all the activities of the robot on a Java GUI. That is whenever the robot is moving, users have to see it on the GUI a moving object which represents the robot.

When the roads/rails/crossings of the warehouse changes it must also be changed on the screen. The whole project is i have to simulate whatever the robot is doing in the warehouse in real-time. Everything must happen in real-time

I am asking which libraries in Java i can use to do this simulations in real-time and if someone can also point me to any site for good information. Am asking for libraries in Java that i can use to visualize the simulation in real-time.


Perhaps the easiest (if not best) place to start is the "Java2D" API: http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/2D/index.jsp

MASON http://cs.gmu.edu/~eclab/projects/mason/ is a nice Java multi-agent 2D simulator that can be used for many robotics problems.

In such scenarios the interfacing is done using ARIA, all popular robots as Pioneer P3-DX and Khepera can be controlled by ARIA. I guess that LABVIEW can also be used, however I am not sure. All these softwares are more or less C++/Java like !

Even Lego Mindstorms can probably be married to a real-time on screen GUI (read about it, never did it)

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