学习QT会比GTK+容易得多,编码会更快,更有趣,你的应用程序可以在各种平台编译,甚至可以在Windows中开发和调试,然后在scratchbox环境下运行qmake && make。
请看这个教程:入门QT Maemo
You still need a Linux box to compile your code for a Maemo device.
If you are using windows, you can setup ubuntu (or kubuntu) in a VirtualBox machine.
Maemo SDk + 以及 Scratchbox 2 与 Maemo SDk & Scratchbox 相比,是更好的选择。
Personnally, I m using QT creator in Windows, kubuntu 9.04 in VirtualBox, and I ve never been happier.
When I started, I tried the "official" approach : Ubuntu, GTK+, C language and scratchbox 1. ... that was painful.