HI, I am doing ERP solution in C#(2.0) windows application and SQL2005 Database.The network application communicate through Database.I used normal technique for user login and logout, keeping a status bit.My problem is that when my application interrupted with any other reason user status might not change.That will cause the user can t login at next time.How can I solve this problem? Could you give any new technique for user manipulation?
如果您的意图是禁止在不同的计算机上共享一个用户名,在使用有效密码登录后,将唯一的令牌记录在该计算机上的 staff.last_logged_at = @unique_token。在注销时,将 staff.last_logged_at =。这样,即使计算机被中断(由于病毒程序崩溃或不小心按下计算机的重置按钮等,因此上次登录日期未被重置),用户仍然可以登录,只需检查用户当前登录的计算机的令牌是否与 last_logged_at 相同。如果相同,则可以继续登录。
If some user tried to login using the username of other user, just check if the machine token of some user s computer is the same with the other user s last_logged_at, if it is not equal, disallow logging in, it means two users share the same password.
Now the scenario if the computer crashes really hard (processor melts, hard disk crash, OS needs reinstalling, etc). User must be allowed to use other computers. Make an administrative module that can reset the last_logged_at of the user.
For @unique_token, just use anything that is unique and permanent on a computer, let s say MAC address, or hash anything on OS settings.
pseudo code:
Logging In:
if (select count(*) from staff where staff_name = @staff_name and password = correct and (last_logged_at = or last_logged_at = @unique_token) ) <> 0 then then
-- allow login
update staff set last_logged_at = @unique_token where staff_name = @staff_name
else if (select count(*) from staff where staff_name = @staff_name and password = correct and last_logged_at <> @unique_token) <> 0 then then
-- disallow login
throw exception "You cannot use the same user name on two or more computers. Contact the administrator if you have any concerns"
-- disallow login
throw exception "Wrong password"
end if
Logging Out:
update staff set last_logged_at = where staff_name = @staff_name
- if you try to log in, and are already logged in, offer to break (reset) the existing login
- use a polling/timeout - i.e. have the app call a method every 2 minutes (for example) that updates a "last heard from"; if you haven t heard from somebody in 5 minutes (for example), then clear the flag
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