- Other than connecting a PC to the CANbus network, what else does the CAN-PC adapter do?
- Is it possible to connect the laptop to the CANbus network without the CAN-PC adapter?
- If a CAN-PC adapter is required, what sort of adapter should I use? PCMCIA, parallel, serial, usb, etc.?
- How do I get started in writing the java program to listen/write CANopen messages?
- What libraries should I use?
- Do I need to create my own drivers?
- Should my program handle heart-beat monitoring, error detection, etc.? Or are these taken care of by the CAN-PC adapter?
- How do I retrieve specific information from a CANbus node?
- How is the EDS file and object dictionary created? Does every node require them?
- How do I simulate a CAN network to test my Java program without buying CAN hardware?