English 中文(简体)
当 FreeBSD 无法找到 strndup 时,我如何修复 mod_mono 的构建?
原标题:How do I fix the build for mod_mono when it cannot find strndup on FreeBSD?

我正在FreeBSD上使用Apache 2安装mod_mono,当Apache尝试加载mod_mono.so模块时,我遇到了以下错误。

Cannot load /usr/local/apache/modules/mod_mono.so into server: /usr/local/apache/modules/mod_mono.so: Undefined symbol "strndup"


libdir=/usr/lib --includedir=/usr/include的中文翻译为:libdir = / usr / lib --includedir = / usr / include

我也尝试过... (wǒ yě chángshìguò...)

--with-mono-prefix=/usr 使用-Mono前缀=/usr

我不知道下一步要做什么。 看来莫德-莫罗有许多选择。 由于Mono和XSP都是成功地建造的,我只需要 mo魔。




# include <config.h>
#if !_LIBC
# include "strndup.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#if !_LIBC
# include "strnlen.h"
# ifndef __strnlen
#  define __strnlen strnlen
# endif

#undef __strndup
#if _LIBC
# undef strndup

#ifndef weak_alias
# define __strndup strndup

char *
__strndup (s, n)
     const char *s;
     size_t n;
  size_t len = __strnlen (s, n);
  char *new = malloc (len + 1);

  if (new == NULL)
    return NULL;

  new[len] =   ;
  return memcpy (new, s, len);
#ifdef libc_hidden_def
libc_hidden_def (__strndup)
#ifdef weak_alias
weak_alias (__strndup, strndup)


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