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原标题:IPhone custom UITableViewCell Reloading

currently I m struggling with this problem: I got a UITableViewController that displays a tableView with different custom cells.

One custom cell displays a number (by a label). If you click on this cell, the navigationController moves to a UIPicker where the user can select the number to be displayes. If the user moves back, the cell should display the updated value.

Problem: I managed to reload the cells by calling

- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
  [super viewWillAppear:animated];
  [self.tableView reloadData];


This works only, if I don t use dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier for the cell (tables won t show updates otherwise). But in this case, memory usage grows and grows... In addition, the program crashes after about 15 movements to pickerView and back - I think because the cell that should be reloaded is already released.

How can I update a reusable custom cell every time the view appears ? What is the best solution ?




在这种情况下,只需获取要“刷新”的UITableViewCell的引用,并在主线程上调用 [self setNeedsDisplay] 来触发其刷新(将调用 drawRect 来触发其绘制)。

你在 NIB 中设置了适当的 ID 吗?它必须与你在调用 dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: 时使用的相同。


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