English 中文(简体)
原标题:how to get li width + margin using jquery



//html #li margin and width are dynamic
<li style= margin:30px;width:100px; >Pic</li>
<li style= margin:40px;width:200px; >Pic</li>
<li style= margin:10px;width:500px; >Pic</li>
<li style= margin:50px;width:300px; >Pic</li>


Examples // something like this   
myFunction(1); //output 440 (( 30 margin-left [0] + 30 margin-right [0] + 40 margin-left [1] + 40 margin-right [1] + 100 width [0] + 200 width [1] )) 

myFunction(2); //output 960 (( 30 margin-left [0] + 30 margin-right [0] + 40 margin-left [1] + 40 margin-right [1] + 10 margin-left [2] + 10 margin-right [2] + 100 width [0] + 200 width [1] + 500 width [2] )) 



$( li:eq(0) ).outerWidth(true) 的中文翻译为:$( li:eq(0) ).outerWidth(true)



$.fn.sumOuterWidth = function(useMargins) {
  var sum = 0;
  this.each(function() { 
    sum += $(this).outerWidth(useMargins);
  return sum;

// example sum the width of the first 2 li s:
$( ul li ).slice(0,2).sumOuterWidth(true) 

// Also gets the sum of the width of the first 2 li s:
$( ul li:eq(1) ).prevAll().andSelf().sumOuterWidth(true);
//adapt selectors to get only the ul you want
function calculate(i)  {
  if(i >= $("ul").size()) {
    alert("This index doesn t exist");
  var sum = 0;
  for(var j=0; j<=i; j++) {
    sum = sum + $("ul li:eq("+j+")").outerWidth(true);
  alert("li s width for index "+i+" is "+sum)

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