I have a Rails 3 project. With Rails 3 came Arel and the ability to reuse one scope to build another. I am wondering if there is a way to use scopes when defining a relationship (e.g. a "has_many").
I have records which have permission columns. I would like to build a default_scope that takes my permission columns into consideration so that records (even those accessed through a relationship) are filtered.
Presently, in Rails 3, default_scope (including patches I ve found) don t provide a workable means of passing a proc (which I need for late variable binding). Is it possible to define a has_many into which a named scope can be passed?
The idea of reusing a named scope would look like:
Orders.scope :my_orders, lambda{where(:user_id => User.current_user.id)}
has_many :orders, :scope => Orders.my_orders
Or implicitly coding that named scope in the relationship would look like:
has_many :orders, :scope => lambda{where(:user_id => User.current_user.id)}
I m simply trying to apply default_scope with late binding. I would prefer to use an Arel approach (if there is one), but would use any workable option.
Since I am referring to the current user, I cannot rely on conditions that aren t evaluated at the last possible moment, such as:
has_many :orders, :conditions => ["user_id = ?", User.current_user.id]