我正在利用微调分类。 我想尝试电网,因为据说这样做是为了改进结果。 我将这五份档案放在单独的终端站,该笔文件已经持续了12多小时。
[root@localhost tools]# python grid.py sarts_nonarts_feat.txt>grid_arts.txt
Warning: empty z range [61.3997:61.3997], adjusting to [60.7857:62.0137]
line 2: warning: Cannot contour non grid data. Please use "set dgrid3d".
Warning: empty z range [61.3997:61.3997], adjusting to [60.7857:62.0137]
line 4: warning: Cannot contour non grid data. Please use "set dgrid3d".
[root@localhost tools]# python grid.py sgames_nongames_feat.txt>grid_games.txt
Warning: empty z range [64.5867:64.5867], adjusting to [63.9408:65.2326]
line 2: warning: Cannot contour non grid data. Please use "set dgrid3d".
Warning: empty z range [64.5867:64.5867], adjusting to [63.9408:65.2326]
line 4: warning: Cannot contour non grid data. Please use "set dgrid3d".
[root@localhost tools]# python grid.py sref_nonref_feat.txt>grid_ref.txt
Warning: empty z range [62.4602:62.4602], adjusting to [61.8356:63.0848]
line 2: warning: Cannot contour non grid data. Please use "set dgrid3d".
Warning: empty z range [62.4602:62.4602], adjusting to [61.8356:63.0848]
line 4: warning: Cannot contour non grid data. Please use "set dgrid3d".
[root@localhost tools]# python grid.py sbiz_nonbiz_feat.txt>grid_biz.txt
Warning: empty z range [67.9762:67.9762], adjusting to [67.2964:68.656]
line 2: warning: Cannot contour non grid data. Please use "set dgrid3d".
Warning: empty z range [67.9762:67.9762], adjusting to [67.2964:68.656]
line 4: warning: Cannot contour non grid data. Please use "set dgrid3d".
[root@localhost tools]# python grid.py snews_nonnews_feat.txt>grid_news.txt
Wrong input format at line 494
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "grid.py", line 223, in run
if rate is None: raise "get no rate"
TypeError: exceptions must be classes or instances, not str
I had redirected the outputs to files , but those files for now contain nothing.. And , the following files were created :
- sbiz_nonbiz_feat.txt.out
- sbiz_nonbiz_feat.txt.png
- sarts_nonarts_feat.txt.out
- sarts_nonarts_feat.txt.png
- sgames_nongames_feat.txt.out
- sgames_nongames_feat.txt.png
- sref_nonref_feat.txt.out
- sref_nonref_feat.txt.png
- snews_nonnews_feat.txt.out (--> is empty )
There s just one line of information in .out files..
the ".png" files are some GNU PLOTS .
但是,我会理解上述全球志愿人员组织/预警所传达的内容。 是否应当重新实施?
如果每份投入文件含有约144 000条线,请告诉我这一文字可能需要多少时间。