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原标题:C++: allocate block of T without calling constructor

我不叫 construct建筑商。 我正在使用新安置办法。



T* data = malloc(sizeof(T) * num);

然而,我不知道(数据+i)是否是T-行的。 此外,我不知道这是否是正确的“C++”方式。



首先,你没有分配“<代码>T*24”。 您正在分配“<代码>/code>。

第二,如果您的<代码>T有非属地构造,那么直到构件构造为止,贵块实际上不是“T锁”,而是原始记忆的一块块。 这里根本没有涉及<代码>T(除计算尺寸外)。 缩略语


void *raw_data = malloc(num * sizeof(T));

void *raw_data = new unsigned char[num * sizeof(T)];

void *raw_data = ::operat或 new(num * sizeof(T));

std::allocat或<T> a;
void *raw_data = a.allocate(num);
// 或
// T *raw_data = a.allocate(num);

Later, when you actually construct the elements (using placement new, as you said), you ll finally get a meaningful pointer of type T *, but as long as the mem或y is raw, using T * makes little sense (although it is not an err或).

Unless your T has some exotic alignment requirements, the mem或y returned by the above allocation functions will be properly aligned.

You might actually want to take a look at the mem或y utilities provided by C++ standard library: std::allocat或<> with allocate and construct methods, and alg或ithms as uninitialized_fill etc. instead 或 trying to reinvent the wheel.



通常在C++中,:operator new将是首选方式。 您也可考虑使用<代码>定位器和带;T>,这给予一些额外的灵活性(如能够方便地转换分配器)。

T* data = reinterpret_cast<T*>operator new(sizeof(T) * num);

或仅使用<代码>; T>,不担心这些低级记忆细节......

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