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Connecting from host to virtual server fails with network unreachable from Java

I have a server that has several virtual machines running on it. I m trying to connect to one of these servers using Java, but it fails with "Network unreachable". The usecase is Hudson connecting to run a slave on a windows-machine. It works using python sockets, so it s quite odd.

This is the network configuration on the host machine http://dpaste.com/168704/ . The problem is reproduced using this snippet http://dpaste.com/168708/ .

Any ideas? I ve only managed to reproduce this problem with java. ssh, ping, python and nc was tested as well and they work.

Edit: Seems that all outbound connections from java suffers the same fate from the host machine.


I was hit by this bug http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=560056 .

So works now with the quick fix :-)


It s likely that the wrong address is being resolved for the host name. Add this debugging to your test:

InetSocketAddress saddr = 
  new InetSocketAddress("waltraction.dhcp.samfundet.no", 135);
InetAddress addr = saddr.getAddress();
if (addr == null) {
  System.out.println("Unresolved address.");

Simply seeing the address being used may point out a problem, but if not, update the question and get more help.

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