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How do Clang blocks work?


Looks really cool.


  1. I don t understand it.
  2. I don t see examples it.
  3. I don t see examples of ideas hard to express in C++ as is, but trivial to express in blocks.

Can anyone enlighten me on this?


Blocks are, essentially, a way to pass code and scope around as data. They re known in some other languages as closures and anonymous functions.

Here s an article with more details and code examples.


NanoTech already linked to an explanation of blocks. As for how this relates to C++ let me state my personal opinion: This extension is not useful in C++. Here s why:

Regarding the block reference type: We already have "polymorphic functions" which can carry some state around, see boost::function, tr1::function. C++ will include a polished version of this in its next standard library. The advantage over "C Blocks" is that you don t need to mess with things like Block_copy and Block_release. These polymorphic functions objects are smart enough to do their own memory managing.

Regarding the block literal syntax: It s a nice syntax that allows you to put the code where it "belongs" without the need for much boilerplate code. But the same applies to its C++ counter part: C++0x lambdas. But C++0x lambda feature also allows you to use lambda objects in tight inner loops without high performance costs of function calls due to possible inlining.

Since C++0x lambdas can be also used in situations where performance is an issue and std::function is easier to handle w.r.t. memory management the addition of "C Blocks" to C++ seems redundant. "C blocks" seem to be more tailored to languages that don t support templates or destructors.

They re basically just Apple s term for closures/anonymous functions. As Nikolai notes, they re how you use Grand Central Dispatch to run multiple functions in parallel (thus using more than 1 core) without having to worry about threading and locking.

As far as I understand this extension is for Apple s Grand Central Dispatch framework. Blocks are tiny schedulable/queue-able entities to be potentially run in parallel.

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