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FindBugs and CheckForNull on classes vs. interfaces

Is there any way to let FindBugs check and warn me if a CheckForNull annotation is present on the implementation of a method in a class, but not on the declaration of the method in the interface?

import javax.annotation.CheckForNull;

interface Foo {
    public String getBar();

class FooImpl implements Foo {

    public String getBar() {
        return null;

public class FindBugsDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Foo foo = new FooImpl();

I just discovered a bug in my application due to a missing null check that was not spotted by FindBugs because CheckForNull was only present on FooImpl, but not on Foo, and I don t want to spot all other locations of this problem manually.


Yes you can write your own detectors, and package them in your own jar plugin file. See fb-contrib.sf.net as an example of an auxillary findbugs plugin.

The one issue is that FindBugs relies on bcel 5.2 which doesn t have annotation support yet. You still get the attributes passed to you that represent the annotations, but it s more manual coding than will be the case in 5.3 (or whatever the next version of bcel is).



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