English 中文(简体)
VB. NET在XML文件中添加了一个内容,在XML中添加了LINQ。
原标题:VB.NET add an element to the XML document with LINQ to XML

I m 在现有XML doc中添加一个内容,其代码如下:

        Dim theXMLSource As String = Server.MapPath("~/Demo/") & "LabDemo.xml"
    Dim nodeElement As XElement

    Dim attrAndValue As XElement = _
                <%= txtServiceType.Text.Trim %>
                <%= txtLevel.Text.Trim %>

    nodeElement.Add(New XElement(attrAndValue))


System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Error line: nodeElement.Add(New XElement(attrAndValue))

我 it倒了这一错误,但我却拿不出错误。 你们能否表明问题是什么? 谢谢。



Dim theXMLSource As String = Server.MapPath("~/Demo/LabDemo.xml")
Dim document As XDocument = XDocument.Load(theXMLSource)



您定义 内容,但随后在请你说明其方法之前不会立即进行。


Dim nodeElement As New XElement 

“Dim nodeElement As New XElement”

实际上,新式并非要素的有效方法。 即使它穿透了 de(我怀疑是这样),它也会导致卸载。

和S Laks一样,你可以打开现有的档案(我认为档案可能像你在岗位上所说的那样存在)。



Dim nodeElement As XElement = document.<theXMLroot>(0)




both w或k the same way. since you re using literals, I thought you might want to know the "second way" It s useful mainly because you can change to the where you want to insert the element.

f或 instance

Dim nodeElement As XElement = document.<theXMLroot>.<parent>(0)

Dim nodeElement As XElement = document...<parent>(0)


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