English 中文(简体)
原标题:Post-loading : check if an image is in the browser cache

Short version question : Is there navigator.mozIsLocallyAvailable equivalent function that works on all browsers, or an alternative?


Hi, Here is my situation : I want to implement an HtmlHelper extension for asp.net MVC that handle image post-loading easily (using jQuery).

So i render the page with empty image sources with the source specified in the "alt" attribute. I insert image sources after the "window.onload" event, and it works great.


$(window).bind( load , function() {
    var plImages = $(".postLoad");
    plImages.each(function() {
        $(this).attr("src", $(this).attr("alt"));

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 问题在于:。 在第一次装货之后,载后图像被加热。 但是,如果该网页需要10秒钟才能装载,则在这10秒后将展示有卡的后载图像。


我发现这一职能:当地人 如果有图像在海滩上,可以检查。 这里是我用 j子做的:

//specify cached image sources on dom ready
$(document).ready(function() {
    var plImages = $(".postLoad");
    plImages.each(function() {
        var source = $(this).attr("alt")
        var disponible = navigator.mozIsLocallyAvailable(source, true);
        if (disponible)
            $(this).attr("src", source);

//specify uncached image sources after page loading
$(window).bind( load , function() {
        var plImages = $(".postLoad");
        plImages.each(function() {
        if ($(this).attr("src") == "")
            $(this).attr("src", $(this).attr("alt"));

该公司在“DOM”公司工作,但在任何其他公司工作。 我尝试了导航器。 当地雇员 现有:相同结果。




The idea is to log the cached images, binding a log function on the images load event. I first thought to store sources in a cookie, but it s not reliable if the cache is cleared without the cookie. Moreover, it adds one more cookie to HTTP requests...

随后,我会见了:window. localStorage(,details

The localStorage attribute provides persistent storage areas for domains

事实上,我想要的是: 这一特性在超文本5中是标准化的,它已经在几乎所有最近的浏览器(FF、OM、Sissa、IE8、Mack)上运行。


var storage = window.localStorage;
if (!storage.cachedElements) {
    storage.cachedElements = "";

function logCache(source) {
    if (storage.cachedElements.indexOf(source, 0) < 0) {
        if (storage.cachedElements != "") 
            storage.cachedElements += ";";
        storage.cachedElements += source;

function cached(source) {
    return (storage.cachedElements.indexOf(source, 0) >= 0);

var plImages;

//On DOM Ready
$(document).ready(function() {
    plImages = $(".postLoad");

    //log cached images
    plImages.bind( load , function() {

    //display cached images
    plImages.each(function() {
        var source = $(this).attr("alt")
        if (cached(source))
            $(this).attr("src", source);

//After page loading
$(window).bind( load , function() {
    //display uncached images
    plImages.each(function() {
        if ($(this).attr("src") == "")
            $(this).attr("src", $(this).attr("alt"));


  1. Create an image object
  2. Set the src property to the desired url
  3. Check the completed attribute immediately to see if the image is already cached
  4. Set the src attribute back to "" (empty string), so that the image is not unnecessarily loaded (unless of coarse you want to load it at this time)


function isCached(src) {
    const img = new Image();
    img.src = src;
    const complete = img.complete;
    img.src = "";
    return complete;


const lazyImages = document.querySelectorAll(".postLoad");
for (const img of lazyImages) {
    if ((!img.src || !isCached(img.src)) && img.getAttribute("alt")) {
        img.src = img.getAttribute("alt");


如果播放画面有线索,就将几乎立即回去。 然后使用规定时间来确定其是否准备就绪并取消请求,以便你日后重新排列。


var lqueue = [];
$(function() {
  var t,ac=0;
  (t = $("img")).each(
      var rq = $.ajax(
        cache: true,
        type: "GET",
        success: function() { var rq3=rq; if (rq3.readyState==4) { e.src=e.alt; } },
        error: function() { e.src=e.alt; }

        var k=i,e2=e,r2=rq;
        if (r2.readyState != 4)
        if (t.length==(++ac)) loadRequeue();
      }, 0);

function loadRequeue()
  for(var j = 0; j < lqueue.length; j++) lqueue[j].src=lqueue[j].alt;

比如,其他人可能会遇到同样的问题。 这里提供的一些解决办法(即在当地浏览器数据储存中储存海滩)可能因两个原因中断。 首先,如果图像的切片过期,其次,如果用户清除海滩的话。 另一种做法是将图像来源确定给一名地方持有人。 然后将来源改为图像途径/名称。 这样,浏览器就有责任检查自己的海滩。 应当与多数浏览者合作,而不管他们是怎样的。

任何人如果试图用React I来解决这一问题,就使用complete图像财产,以这种方式解决:

import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from  react 

const Component= () => {
  const [isLoadedImage, setLoadedImage] = useState(false)
  const imageRef = useRef(null)

  useEffect(() => {
    const imgEl = imageRef.current
    if (imgEl && imgEl.complete && !isLoadedImage) setLoadedImage(true)

  return (
      onLoad={() => (!isLoadedImage ? setLoadedImage(true) : null)}

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