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EC2 - taking an EBS snapshot, saving to S3, and then launching instances from S3

I like the convenience of taking an AMI snapshot - but ideally I do no want to pay for the volume to be attached to my running instance.

Is there a way to save a snapshot instance to S3 and then launch from S3 without attaching a volume to the running instance - gaining the convenience of snapshots - without the running costs?


EBS snapshots are already persisted to S3 (http://aws.amazon.com/ebs/)
from ebs docs:

Amazon EBS also provides the ability to create point-in-time snapshots of volumes, which are persisted to Amazon S3. These snapshots can be used as the starting point for new Amazon EBS volumes, and protect data for long-term durability. The same snapshot can be used to instantiate as many volumes as you wish

and AMIs are also stored in S3.

It s true that with an EBS volume you are paying for the allocated space, even if you are just using a fraction of it for data.

If you are just looking to store the data, you can use any tool to "backup" the data to S3 directly, then restore it to a volume when you need to. S3sync works well for this, so does creating a tarball.

It s not just an allocated vs used space issue. With EBS you are also paying for I/O ops while the volume is mounted.

I am trying to do the same thing -- migrate an EBS-backed instance to an S3-backed instance. Other threads here on SO state that this can t be done, but a response to an AWS forum post by Eric Hammond suggests that there is hope:

Using the concepts of swapping out a boot disk in a running EC2 instance as described in the following thread

http:// developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/thread.jspa?threadID=42437

you might be able to create an EBS volume in the new region with a copy of the raw bits from the old region s volume, then swap the new volume into a stopped Windows instance in the new region.

Once that s working, normal AMI creation from the running instance should be possible

Not for the timid, but if it s important you might be able to find an EC2 Windows expert who can help with the steps.

Not exactly definitive, but Eric knows what he s talking about, so if it s important enough to you you can give it a try.

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