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JSF 2 - clearing component attributes on page load?

The real question: Is there a way to clear certain attributes for all components on an initial page load?

Background info:

In my application, I have a JSF 2.0 frontend layer that speaks to a service layer (the service layer is made up of Spring beans that get injected to the managed beans).

The service layer does its own validation, and I do the same validation in the frontend layer using my own validator classes to try and avoid code duplication somehow. These validator classes aren t JSF validators, they re just POJOs.

I m only doing validation on an action, so in the action method, I perform validation, and only if it s valid do I call through to the service layer.

When I do my validation, I set the styleClass and title on the UIComponents using reflection (so if the UIComponent has the setStyleClass(:String) or setTitle(:String) methods, then I use them).

This works nicely, and on a validation error I see a nicely styled text box with a popup containing the error message if I hover over it. However, since the component is bound to a Session Scoped Managed Bean, it seems that these attributes stick. So if I navigate away and come back to the same page, the styleClass and title are still in the error state.

Is there a way to clear the styleClass and title attributes on each initial page load?



P.S. I m using the action method to validate because of some issues I had before with JSF 1.2 and it s validation methods, but can t remember why... so that s why I m using the action method to validate.


Ok, so I must use a PhaseListener, see this blog entry by BalusC and this other blog entry, that s a much better way of doing what I m doing already - setting the styleClass manually using reflection - which gets all components with messages and highlights them... I m gonna do the same, however think it s possible to add an attribute instead, haven t tried it yet.



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