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• 如何通过购买力平价功能中的具体变量
原标题:How to pass specific variable in PHP function

我有一套PHP功能,需要3个参数。 我想把它当作第1和第3个参数的价值,但我希望第2个参数会落空。





  • if you want to specify the 3rd parameter, you have to pass the 1st and 2nd ones
  • if you want to specify the 2nd parameter, you have to pass the 1st one -- but the 3rd can be left out, if optionnal.


A possible alternative would be not have your function take 3 parameters, but only one, an array :

function my_function(array $params = array()) {
    // if set, use $params[ first ]
    // if set, use $params[ third ]
    // ...


     first  =>  plop ,
     third  =>  glop 


  • accept any number of parameters
  • all of which could be optionnal


  • your code would be less easy to understand, and the documentation would be less useful : no named parameters
  • your IDE would not be able to give you hints on which parameters the function accepts

一旦确定一个缺省参数,就不需要该参数之后的所有参数。 你可以做这样的事情:

const MY_FUNCTION_DEFAULT = "default";

public function myFunction($one, $two = "default", $three = 3)
   if (is_null($two)) $two = self::MY_FUNCTION_DEFAULT;

// call
$this->myFunction(1, null, 3);


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