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php 称“非方法功能”不能接触所有类别成员时的类别范围
原标题:php class scope when calling a non-method function not accessing all class members
  • 时间:2010-03-19 17:59:25
  •  标签:
  • php

因此,使用单独功能的Im从使用所要求类别的人的类别中选取。 本职能

function catalogProductLink($product_id,$product_name,$categories=true) {
    //This is the class that the function is called from
    global $STATE;
if ($categories) {
    //The $STATE->category_id is the property I want to access, which I can t
    if (is_array($STATE->category_id)) {
        foreach($STATE->category_id as $cat_id) {
            if ($cat_id == 0) continue;
            $str .= "c$cat_id/";
$str .= catalogUrlKeywords($product_name). -p .$product_id. .html ;
return $str;


$redirect = catalogProductLink($this->product_id, $tempProd->product_name, true, false);

The object that I need access to is the $STATE object that has been declared global. Prior to this function call there are lots of public properties populated, but when I look at the $STATE object within the function scope it loses all the properties but one, product_id. The property that matters for this function is the category_id property, which is an array of category id s.



做些什么? 页: 1 这种声音像一种可怕的设计——BTW。 如果global 是框架的一个组成部分,RUN!

或者,你只能增加一个可选择的参数,以进行分类。 也许不是有<条码> 类别=true,而是有<条码> 类别<> 采用多种类别:

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