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Why does my finite state machine take so long to execute?

I m working on a state machine which is supposed to extract function calls of the form

/* I am a comment */
//I am a comment
pref("this.is.a.string.which"can have QUOTES"", 123456);

where the extracted data would be pref("this.is.a.string.which"can have QUOTES"", 123456); from a file. Currently, to process a 41kb file, this process is taking close to a minute and a half. Is there something I m seriously misunderstanding here about this finite state machine?

#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
std::vector<std::string> Foo()
    std::string fileData;
    //Fill filedata with the contents of a file
    std::vector<std::string> results;
    std::string::iterator begin = fileData.begin();
    std::string::iterator end = fileData.end();
    std::string::iterator stateZeroFoundLocation = fileData.begin();
    std::size_t state = 0;
    for(; begin < end; begin++)
        switch (state)
        case 0:
            if (boost::starts_with(boost::make_iterator_range(begin, end), "pref(")) {
                stateZeroFoundLocation = begin;
                begin += 4;
                state = 2;
            } else if (*begin ==  / )
                state = 1;
        case 1:
            state = 0;
            switch (*begin)
            case  * :
                begin = boost::find_first(boost::make_iterator_range(begin, end), "*/").end();
            case  / :
                begin = std::find(begin, end, L 
        case 2:
            if (*begin ==  " )
                state = 3;
        case 3:
            case  \ :
                state = 4;
            case  " :
                state = 5;
        case 4:
            state = 3;
        case 5:
            if (*begin ==  , )
                state = 6;
        case 6:
            if (*begin !=    )
                state = 7;
        case 7:
            case  " :
                state = 8;
                state = 10;
        case 8:
            case  \ :
                state = 9;
            case  " :
                state = 10;
        case 9:
            state = 8;
        case 10:
            if (*begin ==  ) )
                state = 11;
        case 11:
            if (*begin ==  ; )
                state = 12;
        case 12:
            state = 0;
            results.push_back(std::string(stateZeroFoundLocation, begin));
    return results;


EDIT: Well this is one of the strangest things I ve ever seen. I just rebuilt the project and it s running reasonably again. Odd.


Unless your 41 kb file is mostly comments or prefs, it s going to spend most of its time in state 0. And for each character in state 0, you make a minimum of two function calls.

if (boost::starts_with(boost::make_iterator_range(begin, end), "pref(")) {

You can speed this up by pre-testing to see if the current character is p

if (*begin ==  p  && boost::starts_with(boost::make_iterator_range(begin, end), "pref(")) {

If the character isn t p then there is no need to make any function calls. In particular not creating a iterator, which is probably where the time is being spent.


I don t know if this is part of the problem, but you have a typo in case 0, "perf" is misspelled as "pref".

Well it s hard to say just by looking at it...but I m guessing the find algorithms are doing it. Why are you searching within a FSM? By definition you re supposed to giving them one character at a time....Add more states. Also try making results a list, not a vector. A lot of copying going on with


But mostly: Profile it!

Finite state machines are a workable solution, but for text processing, its best to use a highly optimized finite state machine generator. In this case, a regular expression. Here it is as Perl regex:

# first clean the comments
$source =~ s|//.*$||;      # replace "// till end of line" with nothing
$source =~ s|/*.*?*/||s; # replace "/* any text until */" with nothing
                           # depending on your data, you may need a few other
                           # rules here to avoid blanking data, you could replace
                           # the comments with a unique identifier, and then
                           # expand any identifiers that the regex below returns

# then find your data
while ($source =~ /perf(s*"(.+?)",s*(d+)s*);/g) { 
   # matches your function signature and moves along source
   # do something with the captured groups, in this case $1 and $2

Since most regex libraries are Perl compatible, it shouldn t be hard to translate the syntax. If your search becomes more complicated, then a parser is in order.

If you are doing parsing, why not use a parser library.

I typically have Boost.Spirit.Qi in mind.

  • You express your grammar with EBNF-like expressions which certainly makes it easier for maintenance.
  • It s a header only library, so you don t have any problem of bringing a whole binary in the mix.

While I can appreciate the minimalist approach, I am afraid that your idea of coding a finite state machine on your own is not that wise. It works well with a toy example, but as the requirements add up you ll have one monstrous switch and it s going to become more and more complicated to understand what s going on.

And please, don t tell me you know it s not going to evolve: I don t believe in oracles ;)

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