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原标题:Convert varchar to numeric in Informix

I have problem while converting varchar type to Int type in Informix. Actually I don t know if the value is really varchar or not which I want to convert to INT. It s a sandbox system.

As Example: I am trying to run this kind of

Select telnumber from numbers n
 where Cast(n.telnumber AS INT) between 1234 and 9999

I got this error: "Character to numeric conversion error"


Select telnumber from numbers n where n.telnumber between  1234  and  9999 








SELECT telnumber
  FROM numbers n
 WHERE n.telnumber BETWEEN  1234  AND  9999 
   AND LENGTH(n.telnumber) = 4


完全的定期表达支持(如PCRE)在《国际数据集》中并不是标准,令人痛心。 然而,非标准MATCHES的运营商将允许你这样做:

SELECT telnumber
  FROM numbers n
 WHERE n.telnumber BETWEEN  1234  AND  9999 
   AND LENGTH(n.telnumber) = 4
   AND n.telnumber MATCHES  [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] 

这是一种简单的定期表述,但* 是一种徒劳的游说方式,其性质为零或更多,而不是像以前特性那样的“Klee Star零”或更重复。

Simple Answer: Informix has built in casting, which you can use like this:

SELECT telnumber
FROM   numbers n
WHERE  n.telnumber::integer BETWEEN 1234 AND 9999;


However, as Jonathan Leffler pointed out previously, it sounds like your dataset contains values which aren t necessarily cast-able to integer. If that s so, then perhaps this isn t the ideal schema for your purposes? If you absolutely need to have non-numeric characters in here (eg I suspect you ll end up with one of - , ( or ) ), you could try excluding rows that match non-numeric chars:

SELECT telnumber
FROM   numbers n
WHERE  n.telnumber not matches "*[0-9]*"
AND    n.telnumber::integer BETWEEN 1234 AND 9999;

或者,你可以尝试使用一个储存的程序,利用一个全国EXCEPTION区? (Character改为数字换算错误为1213卢比)。

http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/idshelp/v10/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.sqls.doc/sqls946.htm rel=“nofollow noreferer” http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/idshelp/v10/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.sql.doc/sqlsqls946.htm



SELECT telnumber FROM numbers WHERE Abs(n.telnumber) BETWEEN 1234 AND 9999



Select *
From table1
where cast(left(field1,7) as numeric) BETWEEN 2128042 and 2128045

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