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Does Hibernate 3.5.0-CR-2 release support JPA2.0

I see that Hibernate home page has a symbol informing that it implements JSR 317, but I couldn t find if it implements the full spec. Does anybody knows if Hibernate 3.5.0-CR-2 fully implements the JSR 317?

I can see from their JIRA that everything is closed related to JPA 2.0:


Anyone has experienced using JPA2.0 with Hibernate? Does it implement the full spec?


The release notes for 3.5-CR1 claim full JPA 2.0 compliance:

I am pleased to announce that we have just released Hibernate version 3.5.0-CR-1. As a refresher, Hibernate follows the JBoss versioing scheme where CR is a "Candidate for Release" (what many of you might call RC). The main stated goal of 3.5 is JPA 2 compliance. This is the first release we believe achieves that goal entirely. In fact we are in the process of certifying for standalone JPA 2 compliance and have integrated this CR into the imminent JBoss AS M2 release as part of their effort towards full Java EE 6 compliance.

I am afraid to tell you that my own experience with the JPA2 implementation of Hibernate convinced me to wait a little.

For some reason, I could not get some very simple beans persisted, even worse when trying to generate some really basic relations. Replacing the Hibernate implementation with EclipseLink made the same code, which I promise is consistent with the JPA2 reference, work.

I would vote for EclipseLink.

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