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DOJO: Adding multi conditions for querying dojox.grid.DataGrid
原标题:DOJO: Adding multiple conditions for querying dojox.grid.DataGrid

I m trying to create a DOJO DataGrid populated using a dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore with very simple json data which has an ID and a description. When an event occurs, i need to filter the rows displayed based on the IDs. When its a single ID, i can fix it by just adding myGrid.setQuery({ID:"someIdIWant"});

Is there some way i can filter more than 1 ID in the same piece of codde? For ex i want to filter ID1 and ID2 to be shown. I do not have a REST url exposed, my data is populated as javascript variables. Can i still JsonQueryRestStore using just json data in JS vars or dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore?


The dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore Support using regular expression in the query. 项目FileReadStore内部的法典使用Dojo.data.util.filter.pattern ToRegExp()来确定你询问中是否有直观价值可以作为定期表述。 然而,为了更准确起见,你可以在你的询问中通过一个登记申请。 这两种选择类似:

    // or
myGrid.setQuery({ID: new RegExp("123|124")});




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