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Trying to test space in filesystem on Unix

I need to check if I Filesystem exists, and if it does exist there is 300 MB of space in it.

What I have so far:

if [ "$(df -m /opt/IBM | grep -vE  ^Filesystem  | awk  {print ($3)} )" < "300" ]
echo "not enough space in the target filesystem"
exit 1

This throws an error. I don t really know what I m doing in shell.

My highest priority is AIX but I m trying to get it to work for HP and Sun too.

Please help.



Here is the code I got working.

if [ "$(df -m /opt/IBM/ITM | awk  NR==2{print ($3)} )" -lt "300" ]
    echo "not enough space in the target filesystem"
    exit 1

How about posting the error? Anyway, try the following syntax, ie. double brackets and no double quotes:

if [[ $(...) < 300 ]]; then

From man bash:

[[ expression ]]

Return a status of 0 or 1 depending on the evaluation of the conditional expression expression.

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