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浏览器所要求的档案为何没有与Gite Hub页的档案相匹配?
原标题:Why is the file requested by the browser not matching the file hosted on GitHub Pages?


hosting administration system?

i m looking for an opensource system to manage a list of web hosting clients. Services ordered payment notifications ticket support system That kind of stuff Is there anything like that? Thanks

Django, is possible to run two different versions?

I have a server on which I have two sites built with Django and Python, one site is major site is build with an older version of django, the other with the newer release, I have upgraded to the new ...

Ruby (off the Rails) Hosting

Many people have asked about Rails hosting on this site, but I m not familiar enough with the back end of things to know if there s a difference. I want to host some Ruby CGI webservices , basically ...

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i am developing an app for iphone, it is a client side application. and i found the 3g network is very slow, should I change the server host to a mobile network friendly host? any suggestions?

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I have 2 web sites (in Visual Studio - separate solutions) - one in VB.NET, one in C#. Ideally, I d like to make them both web application projects, compile each codebase into to a DLL, drop both ...

Deploying a python CGI app

I have developed a python CGI application which works just fine on my development box. My hosting provider however gives me little control of its server: I use a lot of custom stuff in my python ...
