English 中文(简体)
原标题:Calling simple mongo db function from a .js file --Solution now available

如果你想到,在纽瓦特被点击之后,如何把服务器的辅助功能从javascript文档中打上下面的几页。 你们必须利用吉大港山区开发计划的要求,把服务器的侧端点称作终端点。 然后,最后一点要求行使这一职能。 还需要安装灯塔。 使用Npm 表示在依赖性中添加,并安装 no。 • 确保你与MongoDb(我使用法典与大刚果之间的连接)。 修改这一办法,以适应您的具体数据集


import express from  express ;
import mongoose from  mongoose ;
import cors from  cors ;
import  dotenv/config ;

const app = express();

mongoose.set( strictQuery , false);

  { useNewUrlParser: true }

const db = mongoose.connection;

db.once( open , () => {
  console.log( Successfully connected to MongoDB using Mongoose! );

app.use(express.json()); // Parse JSON bodies


app.get( / , (req, res) => {
  res.send( Hello World );

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log( Server is running on port 3000 );

// define the schema
const documentSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  id: String,
  title: String,
  artist: String,
  genre: String,
  popularity: Number,
  date: Date,

// Create the Document using the schema
const Document = mongoose.model( Songs , documentSchema);

// Endpoint to create a song
app.post( /create-song , async (req, res) => {
  const { title, artist, genre, popularity, date } = req.body;    //get in the parameters
  try {
    await createSong(title, artist, genre, popularity, date);   //call the func to upload to database
    res.status(200).send( Song created successfully );
  } catch (error) {
    console.log( Error uploading document: , error);
    res.status(500).send( Internal server error );
// Define the asynchronous function
async function createSong(title, artist, genre, popularity, dateString) {
  try {
    const date = new Date(dateString);
    // Create a new document instance
    const document = new Document({ title, artist, genre, popularity, date });
    // Save the document to the database
    await document.save();
  } catch (error) {
    throw error;
  } finally {
    // Close the database connection

j) 电话文件

window.onload = function() {
    var title = document.getElementById( title );
    var artist = document.getElementById( artist );
    var genre = document.getElementById( genre );
    var rating = document.getElementById( rating );
    var released = document.getElementById( released );


    function uploadSong() {
      const songData = {
        title: title.value,
        artist: artist.value,
        genre: genre.value,
        popularity: rating.value,
        date: released.value
      fetch( http://localhost:3000/create-song , {
        method:  POST ,
        headers: {
           Content-Type :  application/json 
        body: JSON.stringify(songData)
        .then(response => {
          if (response.ok) {
            console.log( Song created successfully );
          } else {
            alert( Error: , response.statusText);
        .catch(error => {
          alert( Error: , error.message);


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