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从母体中获取预载图像也用于儿童文字。 如何?
原标题:Accessing preloaded images from parent script too use in child script. How?
  • 时间:2010-03-18 18:19:27
  •  标签:
  • javascript

I m trying to update an image in a parent window with clickable links in a child window. I ve preloaded the images in the parent window with one javascript file. "scriptss.js" My problem is I need to access the preloaded images of the parent window with the childscript "scriptremote.js" Thanks again for all the JS Help! The JS (scriptss.js)

var newWindow = null;
window.onload = init;
var i = 0;
image_object = new Image();
myImages = new Array(); // declare array
myImages[0]="images/img1.jpg"  // load array


<img src="" width="200px" height="200px" id="myimage" name="myimage" /></img>

The following s The JS for child即:

window.onload = init;

function init()

function first_image()
window.parent.image_object.src = myImages[3]; //Problem happens here I think
document.getElementById("myimage")window.parent.src = window.parent.image_object.src;



<h1>My Remote</h1>
<a href="#" id="first" onclick="first_image()" >First Image</a>

在您的亲身窗口中,你实际上没有预先掌握自己的形象。 您应当做这样的事。

myImages = new Array(); // declare array
myImages[0] = new Image()
myImages[0].src = "images/img1.jpg"



window.parent.document.getElementById( myImage ).src = window.parent.myImages[n].src;
// where n is the index of the image you want to display

If your child window is a popup then replace parent with opener Also you don t need a closing tag for <img />, it s self closing

window.parent.image_object.src = myImages[3];


window.parent.image_object.src = window.parent.myImages[3];

由于<代码>image_object和myImages都在同一个联合材料中界定。 后一行指向:

document.getElementById("myimage")window.parent.src = 

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