English 中文(简体)
Piano Keys in Swing Layout:Pating-Patter?
原标题:Piano Keys in Swing Layout: Left-Padding?

我正在建立一个联合支持者的集装箱,该集装箱将像一个Piano钥匙板。 黑人钥匙类似(Groovy)

def setBlackNotes(buttons) {
    def octaves = (int)(buttons.size() /  5)
    def gridLayout = new GridLayout(1, octaves*7);

    def blackNotePanel = new JPanel(gridLayout)
    this.add blackNotePanel
    def i = 0
    octaves.times {
        2.times {
            blackNotePanel.add buttons[i++]

        blackNotePanel.add Box.createHorizontalBox()

        3.times {
            blackNotePanel.add buttons[i++]

        blackNotePanel.add Box.createHorizontalBox()


Which is just what I need, and looks like this:

alt text http://dl.drop Box.com/u/2622852/Screen%20shot%202010-03-25%20at%208.10.07%20PM.png

但随后,我要以半key的宽度将此事推向右边。 www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_french.htm 通过任意的“——将其划为“边界”、“MigLayout”等——已经彻底失败或改变了GridLayout的间隔。

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 关于如何以任意数量将这项权利推向上的任何建议?


在小组中增加一名雇员。 你可以具体指出,左边是你们想要的东西。



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