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原标题:How can I print N array elements with delimiters per line?
  • 时间:2010-03-25 19:02:15
  •  标签:
  • perl

我在Perl有一阵列,希望与每个单元之间的空间划界员一道印刷,但每10个部分应划定新线。 如果是这样的话,这些要素没有任何空间。



sub PrintArrayWithNewlines
    my $counter = 0;
    my $newlineIndex = shift @_;

    foreach my $item (@_)
        print "$item";
        if($counter == $newlineIndex)
            $counter = 0;
            print "
            print " ";

参看splice。 从事类似工作:

sub PrintArrayWithNewlines {
    my $n = 10;
    my $delim = " ";
    while (my @x = splice @_, 0, $n) {
        print join($delim, @x), "

http://search.cpan.org/~adamk/List-MoreUtils-0.33/lib/List/MoreUtils.pm#natatime”rel=“nofollow noreferer” 清单:

use warnings; use strict;

use List::MoreUtils qw( natatime );

my @x = (1 .. 35);

my $it = natatime 10, @x;

while ( my @v = $it->() ) {
    print "@v


C:Temp> x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35


use warnings; use strict;

my @x = (1 .. 95);
my $n = 10;

for my $i ( 0 .. int @x/$n ) {
    no warnings  uninitialized ;
    print "@x[$n * $i .. $n * ($i + 1) - 1]

。 解决这一问题:

use List::Gen;

for (every 10 =>  a  ..  z ) {
    print "@$_

#   a b c d e f g h i j
#   k l m n o p q r s t
#   u v w x y z


foreach (by 10 =>  a  ..  z ) {
    print "@$_


mapn {print "@_
"} 10 =>  a  ..  z ;  # @_ not @$_ here


my $letters = by 10 =>  a  ..  z ;

while (my $line = $letters->next) {
   print "@$line


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

sub PrintArrayWithNewlines 
    my @array = @_;
    my $newlineIndex = 10;

    foreach my $item (@array) {
        print "$item";
        if ($globalCounter == $newlineIndex) {
            $globalCounter = 0;
            print "
        else {
            print " ";

my $globalCounter = 0;
my @myArray =  a  ..  z 
map { PrintArrayWithNewlines($_) } @myArray;
print "


$ ./test.pl
a b c d e f g h i j
k l m n o p q r s t
u v x y z

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