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Javascript String Length Differs from PHP mb_strlen
原标题:Javascript String Length Differs From PHP mb_strlen

I use document.getElementById(“text”). Value.length to have the string length through javascript, and mb_strlen($_POST[ text]) to have the string length by PHP and both differencess. 运回货物在拖长之前用java字母换算,但我猜测一些特性并不算。


[b]15。 Umieszczanie obrazka zlogo na stronie zespovalu [/b]

这份案文按javascript和PHP计算为57个。 当案文长时,差异会增加。 是否有办法解决这一问题?



mb_strlen($_POST[ text ],  UTF-8 )


我发现, Java稿的血压当量功能对其他人可能有用:

function mb_strlen(str) {
    var len = 0;
    for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
        len += str.charCodeAt(i) < 0 || str.charCodeAt(i) > 255 ? 2 : 1;
    return len;


我注意到,那里具有非标准性质——我不敢确定购买力平价如何计算非标准,但可以算作二者。 如果你在没有这种特性的情况下进行试验,会发生什么情况?


function mb_strlen (s) {
  return ~-encodeURI(s).split(/%..|./).length;

Just type more than one line in your text area and you ll see the diference going bigger and bigger... This came from the fact Javascript value.length don t count the end of line when all PHP length functions take them in account. Just do:

// In case you re using CKEditot
// id is the id of the text area
var value = eval( CKEDITOR.instances. +id+ .getData(); );

// String length without the CRLF   
var taille = value.length;

// get number of line
var nb_lines = (value.match(/
/g) || []).length;

// Now, this value is the same you ll get with strlen in PHP
taille = taille + nb_lines;

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