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html 单编码显示的标签归属
原标题:html tag attribute displayed in unicode

I have the following code, from which you can see that, I use the same way to create the text in utf-8. The text shown between html tags are shown correctly. But the text shown as html tag attribute are shown in unicode. I m positive that on the server side(PHP), both texts are treated in the same way and are encoded in utf-8. Why the text as html tag attribute shown in unicode?

  <meta name="description" content="&#x88E6;&#xE791;&#xB188;&#x89E6;&#xE693;&#x988A;"/>
  <title>看看大家都在分享什么最新火爆的购物打折信息? </title>
  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>

<li id="nav_logout">
       <a href="http://www.example.com/test/svn/main/logout" title="&#x9000;&#x51FA;&#x672C;&#x7AD9;">退出</a>

根据这些评论,它们should 反之亦然,不转而成为超文本实体。 我冒 venture地猜测,你利用产出缓冲系统,通过这种功能重新补充产出。 查阅(所有,其栏目)>rel=“nofollow”>ob_start(>)号,并告诉我们第一种论点(产出通过功能的反馈)。

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