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CopSSH +ite: path issue
原标题:CopSSH + Git: path issue
  • 时间:2010-03-26 13:26:49
  •  标签:
  • ssh
  • msysgit


I ve installed copSSH and linked it with msysgit installation (by adding path to it). And now whenever I use copSSH tools (like ls, cd) I should use the absolute paths in form like /home , /cygdrive/d/copSSH/home.

But when I used git I should use absolute paths in a different (another) form. like /copSSH/home , d:/copSSH/home .

For me it s really strange. Have anybody clue for that and an idea how to fix it?


P.S. I use WinXP, git version, copSSH 3.1.0. Everything is installed using http://www.timdavis.com.au/git/setting-up-a-msysgit-server-with-copssh-on-windows/ article (with some modifications).



我可以建议的是,将CopSSH bin名录从您的PATH中删除(至少从 g带走),以便所有弹道都能够使用ming的形式。 你们唯一会走cy双路的地方是你做事,采取这种行动。 例如,当你从<条码>到:epositoriesmyrepo.git时,你可使用<条码>gitlin ssh://user@srv/cygdrive/d/reposries/myrepo.git(cygwin form)。 如欲在<代码>d:clonesmyrepo中工作,可使用ls /d/clones/myrepo(mingw32 form)。

此外,在你试图打上任何衣物之前,你可以使用 put子或丝网,进行暗中的联系。 如果在短距离内,请填写ls /home/myrepo.git,然后git lin ssh://user@srv/home/myrepo.git。 应当工作。


git clone gituser@sshserver:myapp.git

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