I have written a polynomial class along the lines described in SICP 2.5.3 (except using defclass). I would like to be able to seamlessly add and multiply polynomials and regular numbers but I can t make change-class accept a number.
I tried to simplify the problem by changing class from an integer to a float:
(change-class 4 float)
but that gave me the error:
There is no applicable method for the generic function
when called with arguments
[Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]
I get an error of the same form from (fyi):
(change-class 4 polynomial)
I m going to go ahead and implement a manual conversion but I would prefer to use the built-in clos facilities.
As Xach points out I could use coerce or float to change 4 to a float. That was intended as a simpler example of what I was trying to do and to remove any possibility of my update-instance-for-different-class being wrong.
Here is the longer version of what I tried that didn t work:
(defclass polynomial ()
((var :accessor var :initarg :var :initform x)
(terms :accessor terms :initarg :terms :initform (make-empty-term-list))))
(defmethod update-instance-for-different-class :before ((old number)
(new polynomial)
(setf (slot-value new terms) (adjoin-term (make-term old 0)
(change-class 4 polynomial)
I still get an error like the example above:
There is no applicable method for the generic function
when called with arguments
[Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]