English 中文(简体)
那个 Tcl 变量储存了什么内容?
  • 时间:2008-12-24 22:10:20
  •  标签:



  1. Prepending the variable name with $ gives me $variableName rather than the value of the variable.
  2. Adding these variables to an array and calling array get arr is supposed to print the index and the array value; I get variable names.
  3. I tried pathName cget option, but apparently -value isn t an option, and leaving off the option doesn t give me a list of valid options.

Here s all the code with the various things that didn t work (from option #1, which is the most straightforward way; the others were just me trying workarounds). They all produce errors along the lines of: "can t read "::": no such variable" or "can t read "colorimetric": no such variable".


wm title . "Gretag"

ttk::frame .f -borderwidth 5 -relief sunken -padding "5 10"

# next line part of the "puts" tests at the bottom
global colorimetric
ttk::label .f.dataLabel -text "Data Type"
ttk::label .f.colorimetricLabel -text "Colorimetric"
ttk::checkbutton .f.colorimetric -onvalue "-c" -offvalue "" -command getFilename1
ttk::label .f.spectralLabel -text "Spectral"
ttk::checkbutton .f.spectral -onvalue "-s" -offvalue "" -command getFilename2 

ttk::label .f.gretagNumLabel -text "Gretag #"
ttk::label .f.gretagLabel0 -text "1"
ttk::radiobutton .f.gretagRadio0 -variable gretagNum -value "/dev/ttyS0" 
ttk::label .f.gretagLabel1 -text "2"
ttk::radiobutton .f.gretagRadio1 -variable gretagNum -value "/dev/ttyS1"
ttk::label .f.gretagLabel2 -text "3"
ttk::radiobutton .f.gretagRadio2 -variable gretagNum -value "/dev/ttyS2" 
ttk::label .f.gretagLabel3 -text "4"
ttk::radiobutton .f.gretagRadio3 -variable gretagNum -value "/dev/ttyS3" 
ttk::label .f.gretagLabel4 -text "5"
ttk::radiobutton .f.gretagRadio4 -variable gretagNum -value "/dev/ttyS4" 

ttk::label .f.sampleSize -text "Sample Size"
ttk::label .f.samplex -text "X"
ttk::label .f.sampley -text "Y"
ttk::entry .f.x -textvariable x -width 5 
ttk::entry .f.y -textvariable y -width 5 

ttk::label .f.filterLabel -text "Filter Type"
ttk::label .f.filterLabel0 -text "D50"
ttk::radiobutton .f.filterRadio0 -variable filter -value "-d50" 
ttk::label .f.filterLabel1 -text "D65"
ttk::radiobutton .f.filterRadio1 -variable filter -value "-d65" 
ttk::label .f.filterLabel2 -text "Unfiltered"
ttk::radiobutton .f.filterRadio2 -variable filter -value "-U" 
ttk::label .f.filterLabel3 -text "Polarized"
ttk::radiobutton .f.filterRadio3 -variable filter -value "-p" 

ttk::label .f.baudLabel -text "Baud Rate"
ttk::label .f.baudLabel0 -text "4800"
ttk::radiobutton .f.baudRadio0 -variable baud -value "B4800" 
ttk::label .f.baudLabel1 -text "9600"
ttk::radiobutton .f.baudRadio1 -variable baud -value "B9600" 
ttk::label .f.baudLabel2 -text "19200"
ttk::radiobutton .f.baudRadio2 -variable baud -value "B19200" 
ttk::label .f.baudLabel3 -text "38400"
ttk::radiobutton .f.baudRadio3 -variable baud -value "B38400" 
ttk::label .f.baudLabel4 -text "57600"
ttk::radiobutton .f.baudRadio4 -variable baud -value "B57600" 

ttk::button .f.submitBtn -text "Submit" -command finish

grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1
grid .f -column 0 -row 0 -columnspan 11 -rowspan 5

grid .f.dataLabel -column 0 -row 0 -sticky we
grid .f.colorimetricLabel -column 1 -row 0 -sticky e
grid .f.colorimetric -column 2 -row 0 -sticky w
grid .f.spectralLabel -column 3 -row 0 -sticky e
grid .f.spectral -column 4 -row 0 -sticky w

grid .f.gretagNumLabel -column 0 -row 1 -sticky we
grid .f.gretagLabel0 -column 1 -row 1 -sticky e
grid .f.gretagRadio0 -column 2 -row 1 -sticky w
grid .f.gretagLabel1 -column 3 -row 1 -sticky e
grid .f.gretagRadio1 -column 4 -row 1 -sticky w
grid .f.gretagLabel2 -column 5 -row 1 -sticky e
grid .f.gretagRadio2 -column 6 -row 1 -sticky w
grid .f.gretagLabel3 -column 7 -row 1 -sticky e
grid .f.gretagRadio3 -column 8 -row 1 -sticky w
grid .f.gretagLabel4 -column 9 -row 1 -sticky e
grid .f.gretagRadio4 -column 10 -row 1 -sticky w

grid .f.sampleSize -column 0 -row 2 -sticky we
grid .f.samplex -column 1 -row 2 -sticky e
grid .f.x -column 2 -row 2 -sticky w
grid .f.sampley -column 3 -row 2 -sticky e
grid .f.y -column 4 -row 2 -sticky w

grid .f.filterLabel -column 0 -row 3 -sticky we
grid .f.filterLabel0 -column 1 -row 3 -sticky e
grid .f.filterRadio0 -column 2 -row 3 -sticky w
grid .f.filterLabel1 -column 3 -row 3 -sticky e
grid .f.filterRadio1 -column 4 -row 3 -sticky w
grid .f.filterLabel2 -column 5 -row 3 -sticky e
grid .f.filterRadio2 -column 6 -row 3 -sticky w
grid .f.filterLabel3 -column 7 -row 3 -sticky e
grid .f.filterRadio3 -column 8 -row 3 -sticky w

grid .f.baudLabel -column 0 -row 4 -sticky we
grid .f.baudLabel0 -column 1 -row 4 -sticky e
grid .f.baudRadio0 -column 2 -row 4 -sticky w
grid .f.baudLabel1 -column 3 -row 4 -sticky e
grid .f.baudRadio1 -column 4 -row 4 -sticky w
grid .f.baudLabel2 -column 5 -row 4 -sticky e
grid .f.baudRadio2 -column 6 -row 4 -sticky w
grid .f.baudLabel3 -column 7 -row 4 -sticky e
grid .f.baudRadio3 -column 8 -row 4 -sticky w
grid .f.baudLabel4 -column 9 -row 4 -sticky e
grid .f.baudRadio4 -column 10 -row 4 -sticky w

grid .f.submitBtn -column 1 -row 5 -columnspan 7 -sticky we

foreach w [winfo children .f] {grid configure $w -padx 5 -pady 5}
focus .f.colorimetric
.f.colorimetric state selected
.f.filterRadio1 state selected
.f.baudRadio1 state selected
bind . <Return> {finish}

proc getFilename1 {} {
set filename1 [tk_getSaveFile]

proc getFilename2 {} {
set filename2 [tk_getSaveFile]

proc finish {} {
.f.x insert 0 "-x"
.f.y insert 0 "-y"
# Pick one
# puts $colorimetric
# puts colorimetric
# puts "$colorimetric"
# puts $::colorimetric
# puts .f.colorimetric
# puts $.f.colorimetric
# puts $::.f.colorimetric
# puts "$::colorimetric"
exec ./gretag .f.colorimetric filename1 .f.spectral filename2 .f.gretagNum .f.x .f.y .f.filter .f.baud

Edit: I ve posted all the code rather than just part, and in the next to last line are the various syntaxes from option #1 that I ve tried in order to view the values of the variables before they re passed to the next program. None of these are working and I don t understand why or how to fix it. I m hoping another set of eyes will catch what s wrong.


Variable Basics

正如其他人指出的那样,“该不该使用 $”这种混乱的符号表示法可以通过以下规则简化。


$var 得到变量中保存的值


% set foo "hi"
% set bar "foo"
% set $foo
can t read "hi": no such variable
% set $bar

这里的符号set $foo在步骤中被评估-首先$foo产生它的值hi,然后set表达式(当没有第三个参数时运行)尝试返回变量hi中保存的值。这失败了。符号set $bar采取相同的步骤,但这次set可以操作bar的值,这是foo,因此返回foo的值,这是hi(链接到“设置”API)


你在这个脚本中遇到的一个问题是初始化。在Tcl中,变量在分配值之前不存在。这显然就是为什么在上面尝试set $foo时失败了,因为没有变量hi


global colorimetric

这并不起作用,因为你已经在全局范围内操作了。全局“不起作用,除非在进程体的上下文中执行。”(链接到“global”API)你实际上必须使用一个set命令来初始化变量。这就是为什么你在proc finish中尝试打印colorimetric都没有成功的原因。



puts $::colorimetric ;# print the value of the global variable colorimetric


global colorimetric ;# reference a global variable into the local scope
puts $colorimetric  ;# print the value of colorimetric in the local scope

My Solution


#!/usr/bin/env wish

# --- default configuration --- #
array set CONF {
    colorimetric "-c"
    spectral     ""
    cfilename    "/path/to/defaultCI.txt"
    sfilename    ""
    x            0
    y            0
    gretagnum    "/dev/ttyS0"
    filter       "-d65"
    baud         "B9600"

# --- build the interface --- #
wm title . "Gretag"
ttk::frame .f -borderwidth 5 -relief sunken -padding "5 10"
grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure    . 0 -weight 1
grid .f

ttk::label .f.dataLabel -text "Data Type: "
foreach {dtname dttag dtfile} {
    colorimetric "-c" cfilename
    spectral     "-s" sfilename
} {
    lappend mygrid [
        ttk::checkbutton .f.$dtname -text [string totitle $dtname] 
        -variable CONF($dtname) -onvalue $dttag -offvalue "" 
        -command [list getFilename $dtname $dttag $dtfile ]
grid .f.dataLabel {*}$mygrid -sticky w ; set mygrid { }

ttk::label .f.gretagNumLabel -text "Gretag #: "
for {set tty 0} {$tty < 5} {incr tty} {
    lappend mygrid [
        ttk::radiobutton .f.gretagRadio$tty -text [expr $tty + 1] 
        -variable CONF(gretagnum) -value "/dev/ttyS$tty" 
grid .f.gretagNumLabel {*}$mygrid -sticky w ; set mygrid { }

ttk::label .f.sampleSize -text "Sample Size: "
ttk::label .f.samplex -text "X"
ttk::label .f.sampley -text "Y"
ttk::entry .f.x -textvariable CONF(x) -width 5 
ttk::entry .f.y -textvariable CONF(x) -width 5 
grid .f.sampleSize .f.samplex .f.x .f.sampley .f.y

ttk::label .f.filterLabel -text "Filter Type: "
foreach {ftname ftval} {
    D50        "-d50"
    D65        "-d65"
    Unfiltered "-U"
    Polarized  "-P"
} {
    lappend mygrid [
        ttk::radiobutton .f.filterRadio$ftname -text $ftname 
        -variable CONF(filter) -value $ftval
grid .f.filterLabel {*}$mygrid -sticky w ; set mygrid { }

ttk::label .f.baudLabel -text "Baud Rate: "
foreach {baud} {
    4800 9600 19200 38400 57600
} {
    lappend mygrid [
        ttk::radiobutton .f.baudRadio$baud -text $baud 
        -variable CONF(baud) -value "B$baud"
grid .f.baudLabel {*}$mygrid -sticky w ; set mygrid { }

ttk::button .f.submitBtn -text "Submit" -command submit
grid .f.submitBtn -columnspan 6 -sticky we

foreach w [winfo children .f] {
    grid configure $w -padx 5 -pady 5
focus .f.colorimetric
bind . <Return> submit

# --- callbacks --- #
proc getFilename {type tag file} {
    global CONF

    if {$CONF($type) eq $tag} {
        set CONF($file) [tk_getOpenFile]
        if {$CONF($file) eq ""} { .f.$type invoke }
    } else {
        set CONF($file) ""

proc submit { } {
    global CONF

    exec ./gretag $CONF(colorimetric) $CONF(cfilename) 
        $CONF(spectral) $CONF(sfilename) $CONF(gretagnum) 
        $CONF(x) $CONF(y) $CONF(filter) $CONF(baud)

Discussion of Changes


ttk::label .f.colorimetricLabel -text "Colorimetric"
ttk::checkbutton .f.colorimetric -onvalue "-c" -offvalue "" -command getFilename1


ttk::checkbutton .f.colorimetric -text "Colorimetric" -onvalue "-c" -offvalue "" -command getFilename1

2. 接下来,我利用这两个复选框之间的相似之处,将其抽象为一个foreach循环来创建。(我在工作中经常这样做我的Tcl代码)。这样生成的代码更容易阅读,并允许您添加/删除/交换窗口小部件的名称和标签。这导致略微更多,但更加灵活的代码。

ttk::checkbutton .f.colorimetric -text "Colorimetric" -onvalue "-c" -offvalue "" -command getFilename1
ttk::checkbutton .f.colorimetric -text "Spectral" -onvalue "-s" -offvalue "" -command getFilename2


foreach {dtname dttag dtcommand} {
    colorimetric "-c" getFilename1
    spectral     "-s" getFilename2
} {
        ttk::checkbutton .f.$dtname -text [string totitle $dtname] -onvalue $dttag -offvalue "" -command $dtcommand

3. 下一个更改是将您的 getFilename1getFilename2 合并为一个单一的 getFilename 过程。我们可以传递参数到该函数中来确定谁在调用它。我使用 list 命令生成这个新函数的调用。(“list” API 的链接)

我还开始将您的grid< / code>命令合并到小部件代码本身中。这里,mygrid保留了在GUI中每行需要进行网格化的内容列表,然后在每个部分结束时进行评估,以便即时传播GUI。(“网格”API链接)

The previous code gets its final revision and 变成,

foreach {dtname dttag dtfile} {
    colorimetric "-c" cfilename
    spectral     "-s" sfilename
} {
    lappend mygrid [
        ttk::checkbutton .f.$dtname -text [string totitle $dtname] -variable CONF($dtname) -onvalue $dttag -offvalue "" -command [list getFilename $dtname $dttag $dtfile ]




array set CONF {
    colorimetric "-c"
    spectral     ""
    cfilename    "/path/to/defaultCI.txt"
    sfilename    ""
    x            0
    y            0
    gretagnum    "/dev/ttyS0"
    filter       "-d65"
    baud         "B9600"

5. 接下来,我在您的代码中传播了这些更改。几乎所有的小部件创建都容易受到这些修改的影响。关于小部件创建,这有时会使独立代码部分变得更大。但这也使我能够删除您的整个网格部分,将此代码合并到小部件代码中,正如我所讨论的那样,大大减少了您的代码大小和混乱,但增加了复杂性。

6. 我做的最后更改是你的函数代码。你的 getFilename1getFilename2 代码中有几个小错误。第一个错误是,因为我推测你只是获取一个已存在的文件名来传递给,所以你想要调用tk_getOpenFile(链接到 tk_getOpenFile API) 如果你使用tk_getOpenFile,对话框会确保文件存在。


proc getFilename1 {} {
set filename1 [tk_getSaveFile]


proc getFilename {type tag file} {
    global CONF

    if {$CONF($type) eq $tag} {
        set CONF($file) [tk_getOpenFile]
        if {$CONF($file) eq ""} { .f.$type invoke }
    } else {
        set CONF($file) ""


The Answer


你的变量没有被打印的原因是因为它们的初始化和作用域。你应该始终在之后需要使用的小部件上使用 -variable -textvariable 。我通常在构建包含变量的小部件之前初始化这些变量。所以,如果你在文件顶部做了以下操作,

set colorimetric "-c"
ttk::checkbutton .f.colorimetric -variable colorimetric [...]


puts $::colorimetric

You have not assigned any variable to the colorimetric checkbutton. Add -variable colorimetric to the checkbutton, and then in finish you can use: puts $::colorimetric

Also, set ::colorimetric first to select your default value. That is easier than trying to mess with the state of the widget.

I see that the values colorimetric can have are "" and "-c" so I assume you will use that value in the exec line. Beware that [exec something yada $::colorimetric something] will probably not work then. You ll probably need {*}$::colorimetric in the exec line to make the argument disappear if it is empty.


[nigel@rose ~]$ wish
% set foo /dev/ttys0
% puts $foo
% puts "$foo"
% puts [$foo]
invalid command name "/dev/ttys0"
% puts ($foo)
% puts {$foo}


  • 双引号:"":评估替换($变量)

  • { }(花括号):将整个字符串视为文字字面意义,无法替换。

  • [ ](方括号):将字符串作为带有替代的命令执行


% set mb [tk_messageBox -message "Port is $foo" -type ok -icon info]


放置 $::gretagNum

:: signifies a global variable, and the -variable option to widgets are always global.





puts $blah 



puts [set $blah]


$foo is shorthand for [set foo]

尝试使用 [set foo] 重写您的代码,它会工作。


$$foo  ;# not what you think


[set [set foo]]   ;# does what you think
